Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Are passenger trains to Mildura worth it?

The T&G Mutual building in Mildura (via Mattinbgn)

A few months ago, the Parliamentary Budget Office released the results of modelling instigated by Liberal Democratic MLC Tim Quilty, who represents the Victorian upper house region of Northern Victoria. Quilty had asked the PBO to cost a proposal to run three shuttle services per week in each direction from Maryborough to Mildura, and to pay for this by scrapping the Victorian Government's subsidy for the Overland. To my mind this is completely the wrong way to go about things - running a train every second day makes it unlikely to be useful for people, and cannibalising the Overland to do it is just petty and unnecessary - but it does at least give us some very useful numbers from which to extrapolate. 

Friday, 2 July 2021

Fact-checking The Australia Institute's EV Mythbusting

The Australia Institute has been very vocally opposed to Victoria's EV tax, and recently put out a video called Electric Vehicle Myths Busted with Dan Bleakley from Coal Miners Driving Teslas. While the video does a good job of calling out some of the myths that right-wing politicians and culture warriors have been circulating for years, it also repeats some of the myths TAI have been perpetuating throughout the EV tax debate - so I thought I'd quickly run through it and fact-check them. As I've said before, EVs are much better than ICE vehicles - but they're no silver bullet. 

Audrey Quicke & Richie Merzian from The Australia Institute